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Philosophy Club

What is the Philosophy Club?

The Undergraduate Philosophy Club provides students at the University of Utah the opportunity to interact with each other and with faculty, both to share similar interests and to discuss philosophical issues, hold study sessions, host forums, and to present papers. The Philosophy Club is meant to provide a safe space for both philosophical dialogue and social engagement, and participates in a variety of activities to this end. In addition to weekly meetings, the Club has hosted gatherings in coffee shops, smaller focus groups, and movie nights. Topics have included game theory, psychopaths, and philosophy of film.


Who Can Participate?

The philosophy club is not just for philosophy majors. Students from all disciplines regularly attend club meetings and add a great deal to the diversity of views held and opinions contributed to our discussions.

There are no club dues and you don’t need to sign up or do any kind of homework for the club. Steady attendance is not expected and you can come to as many or as few of the meetings as you’d like—you won’t be left out of the loop if you can’t make it every week. No expertise is required; we can work with any background and any level of familiarity with philosophy. One need only be curious and respectful to participate.   

Philosophy has very broad application and can be applied to any subject. Trying to find a counterexample?  Congratulations, you’re doing philosophy already! If you think that science has obviated the need for philosophy, come give us your argument! If you think philosophy is a distracting waste of public resources in which problems never really get solved, come give us your argument! If you think there is a certain political position that we all ought to be supporting, come give us your argument! If you think video games have a problem with the way they present women, come give us your argument!



The Philosophy Club will hold weekly meetings in-person in the Philosophy Library, CTIHB 459. In accordance with CDC guidelines, Utah State Law, and University policy, COVID-19 vaccination and face masks are strongly encouraged but not required for attendance. The Club will mirror the responses of the University going forward, and may transition to a hybrid or IVC format in the future, based on available guidance. 

Where:  Philosophy Library (CTIHB 459) | When:  Wednsdays, 5:30-7:30 pm
Free Pizza from The Pie

If you have any questions, please contact the philosophy club leader, Mickey Gough at
Connect with the club's Instagram page as well!

Hope to see you soon!

Last Updated: 1/12/23